Alloy Automation Systems

You focus on your business.

We focus on the process.

What is Alloy Automation Systems?

Alloy Automations Systems is a multi-platform technology solution for managing your business. It was created by a business owner with too many fires to put out, and too little time. Alloy can enable you to take the next step in your business. Custom CRM systems, automations, and custom reports are all part of the Alloy system.


In 2018, I took over the role of agency manager for Jefferson, Lafayette, Madison, and Taylor counties. These were already successful counties in regards to membership and insurance production. However, after my first full year as manager, I realized how many different things we had going on and how unorganized and inefficient we could be at times. I knew we had to find a system to help us keep track and keep everyone informed of what was going on with each client service issue, policy renewal, and all new business production. 

Mike Williams introduced me to a system called Trello. We quickly found just how much it helped us stay informed of what was going on with our member clients and kept us on track with the important task that had to be done that day or that week. 

The more we used the system, the more we realized we could add on to it with other systems to make us even more efficient and take our proactive marketing, cross selling, and lead generation to the next level. 

Four years later, we are still adding features to help our agents and staff continue to grow without being overwhelmed by the tedious tasks that were holding us back years ago on the old notepad and paper filing system. The efficiencies that the system creates allow our agents and staff to do so much more on the production side because of the tremendous amount of time it frees up for them. 

If you are looking for a system for your business to take your level of client service, communication, outreach, and production to the next level, Alloy can design a customizable solution just for you!

Lance Braswell, Agency Manager - Big Bend Farm Bureau

Schedule a Demo.

Think Alloy could help your business? Schedule a demo with one of our team members and we’ll see if our systems can help you!